Driving on the road is a part of our daily routine. However, it can also be one of the most dangerous activities we engage in. The major source of road accidents is one simple human error. When we take to the road each day, there’s no telling what we could come across. It’s amazing to see people repeating the same mistakes time and again. These same mistakes have been repeated by many drivers in the past and they will be repeated by many in the future as well.
Careless driving has become the root cause of many accidents. The worst part is that these douchebags don’t even challenge their actions against the impact they may create on their fellow drivers sharing the same road. They act like an untrained ninja on the road and believe in hitting high roads. While there are many factors that can contribute to vehicle accidents, including weather, road conditions, and vehicle malfunctions, the behavior of drivers is often a major cause. Studying the patterns, we have categorized them into 5 common types.
1. Rash-Calls:
When we see some of the atrocious driving behavior displayed on the road, we can't help but cringe. We can meet these rascals, stopping by the main road to receive a call as if the yellow lines painted on the road have no significance. These ninja warriors of the road receive their call connected with the airphone while driving believing that they are in an amusement park and want to experience the thrills. Whether these Rash-calls balls get wrecked or not by the vehicles coming from behind; it definitely will wreck the heart of some innocent family someday. These atrocious knobheaded drivers exist in plenty sharing the same road with one of your family members.
2. Honker:
Road rage-related accidents often begin with unnecessary honking. Contrary to popular belief, a vehicle’s horn is not a part of the temple bells that can be honked anytime you like. A vehicle’s horn is the driver’s only responsibility and can only be used to ensure safety while driving. These honking ninjas believe in using honking as a power to clear their way. Whether these honkers' ball gets crashed or not due to this nerve-wracking behavior; it definitely will shatter the heart of some innocent family someday due to brain-dead honking drivers sharing the same road with your family members.
3. Beamer:
Thought of every driving pet peeve, a lot of times, it's those goddamned halogens that hurt the most while driving at night. These untrained inconsiderate ninjas just have a habit of glaring from the Ivory Tower of high beams. Even if they are following the vehicles, every day tons of idiots driving on the Nepalese road acts blind while driving. Whether these beamer's ball gets crashed or not due to halogens from oncoming traffics, it definitely will ruin the vision of some innocent family due to the high beams pointed from these blind-headed beamers sharing the same road with your family members.
4. Stunner:
At the age of 18-25, the road is still long but these boiling-blood ninjas dare to show off on the main road causing havoc to other drivers on the road. These wannabe ninjas drive in aggression without giving any detailed attention to the driving manual of roads destined to cause casualties. Every day these freaks either use a broken silencer to seize the peace of their fellow drivers or drives straight in 90, without considering the wellbeing of other passerby sharing the same roads. Whether these psycho-stunners' ball gets mashed or not due to their childish stunt, it definitely will one day mash the hopes of some innocent pedestrians, bicyclists, pets and other drivers sharing the road with these psyched drivers.
5. Stoner:
The dangers of driving while intoxicated always exist, but we are not talking about those crackheads here. Categorically, stoned people often are more careful inroads than those who act like being stoned while driving. A bunch of freaking ninjas like these can always be found on the road who either forgets to turn off the sidelights or take unexpected turns at any point. It not only tests the patience and driving skills of other fellow drivers following this stoner. Whether these stoners' balls get crashed in road accidents or not; it will crash the hopes and dreams of some innocent families due to this stoned behavior of pothead drivers unleashed on the streets.
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